Friday, November 11, 2011


Well I found myself reading books about people that have gone through something tough in their lives.  I read Tweak because I like reading about addicts and how they get through needing to get high everyday all day.  I want to see how people like that can change in the world and become a member of society..not just a drug addict.  I have hope for those kinds of people.  Personally, I've known some people that have gotten into drugs and I know first hand how it changes peoples whole lives.  They get kicked out of school, lose their jobs, and their families don't know what to do with them.  It's sad but it's a part of life,  a part of life that some people try and ignore.  I find myself reading mostly at night before I go to bed..always laying down in my bed because that's the quietest place and I'm comfy in my bed.  I didn't read every night because I work 5 days a week and I normally have other homework to work on when I get home.  I like to read in silence because if I don't I don't understand everything I read.  Everything has to be quiet and kinda dark in my room. I have to be tired and ready for bed because I know after I read I won't want to get up.  I checked my phone a lot because I always text people before I go to bed...I'm a good double tasker.  Well that's gonna be it for me this year.  It was fun..I'm glad we bonded blogger:) thank you and good bye.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

last graded post.

So I've been reading this diary..about kids livin in the hood and having to fight for their lives everyday. They wake up every morning and walk out the door not knowing if their gonna get shot or not..i can't even imagine  what that would be like. I walk out my door and my parents tell me to have a good day and my neighbors wave..thats totally different then being scared of being shot. The kids teacher cared so much about them and its kind of amazing. she did everything she could for them for nothing in return...thats a damn good teacher if you ask me..the world needs more people like that.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

People are so annoying.

Well today in marketing my teacher gave me a bad grade on a packet the i wasnt there for one day and the day i was there he spent the whole class talking to one student about something we've been working on all year and it pissed me off so I let him know what the deal was.  He seriously never teaches. He just gets off topic everyday and then tests us every week..which is such bullshit.  If a teacher is gonna test every week..they should be reviewing the material every day...not talking with students's not my job to learn every single thing on my own..he should teach. He's a funny person but a bad's so annoying.  It brought my gpa down and pissed me off.  And one of my friends just told me that someone in my class posted on twitter about it...real mature. It's stupid stuff like that that makes me even more excited for graduation..i'll never have to talk to immature people from this school again and I can't wait!!  I have no desire to talk to anyone from Homestead when I walk out that door..maybe 5 people.  On another note I have the next two days off so I'm excited about that one.  Then this weekend I'm working at the football game at st. Francis and the lantern.  Well that's about it...i'll blog about my new book tomorrow..too sleepy.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sleepy Sunday

Well I had an okay weekend.  Friday could have been soo fun but my friends all bailed and my phone died and my charger broke so I couldn't go anywhere.  It was kinda nice..I just went to bed early and didn't have to talk to anyone.  Saturday I bought new nikes and got my new ugg boats:) very exciting.  I worked saturday night then I went to Linda's and stayed there..we stayed up all night and it was fun ;).  I worked tonight and it suckeddddd. I work 6 days this week at moe's and i'm working at the lantern on saturday for some extra money because i'm so broke and chirstmas is coming soon and I want to buy some things for myself:)  I'm falling behind with school cause i'm so tired from work all the time to do homework and I wanna have a life as a normal teenager...but no I gotta do a bunch of stupid shit all the time.  I know I'm gonna miss out on a good weekend this weekend and I'm shitty about it but it's whatever.  I might just go out anyway..even though I gotta work in the morning.  My bed is calling me..good nighttt


Friday, November 4, 2011

Rough week

Well this week has totally sucked...everyone is just being annoying and pissing me off.  I need a break from people.   High school drama is so stupid and pointless and that's all people care about.  I just wanna go to school and go to work and not talk to anyone.  That would be the perfect day..if I didn't have to listen to boy problems all day everyday.  Work is pissing me off.  No one does anything ever because none of them know how to do it because no managers know how to train people so I do everything and get yelled at for everything.  I need to look for a new job because that place is making me crazy.  I work everyday this weekend which is bullshit.  I had 3 days off during the week and I work everyday on the weekend...i've been there the longest..I should get at least one night off on the weekend..which is another reason why I'm looking for another job.  Sometimes it's cool working with your friends but sometimes it's so annoying..because you never get away from them and I can't spend that much with anyone..ever. School is so stressful.  I have like 3 different projects going on at one time and I don't feel like doing any of them...ever.  I just wanna sleep all the time and be by myself. 

I started a new book this week, The Freedom Writers Diary.  I've seen the movie so I wanna see if it's similiar.  It's about a class of kids from the inner city that deal with drugs and lots of crime all around them.  Some are in gangs and many have problems with each other because of their background and staying loyal to their families.  Their teacher is a rich white girl that doesn't look like she belongs anywhere near the inner city but she gets them to write in diaries...about their lives and what they have to deal with.  Well that's about it for now. 


Curently Week 12

I have finished my book and moved on to another one called The Freedom Writers Diary.  I've seen the movie but never read the book so I'm excited to see if it's similiar or way different.

Pages this week and last week:  210
Total pages:1075

Sentences of the Week:

1. My P.O. hasn't relized yet that schools are just like the city and the city is just like prison.

2. If I stay in here, one of two things will happen: I'll get jacked or I'll die of boredom.

3. It's not like they can't get away with it, with their big-ass pants; they could fit me and six of my friends.