Friday, November 4, 2011

Rough week

Well this week has totally sucked...everyone is just being annoying and pissing me off.  I need a break from people.   High school drama is so stupid and pointless and that's all people care about.  I just wanna go to school and go to work and not talk to anyone.  That would be the perfect day..if I didn't have to listen to boy problems all day everyday.  Work is pissing me off.  No one does anything ever because none of them know how to do it because no managers know how to train people so I do everything and get yelled at for everything.  I need to look for a new job because that place is making me crazy.  I work everyday this weekend which is bullshit.  I had 3 days off during the week and I work everyday on the weekend...i've been there the longest..I should get at least one night off on the weekend..which is another reason why I'm looking for another job.  Sometimes it's cool working with your friends but sometimes it's so annoying..because you never get away from them and I can't spend that much with anyone..ever. School is so stressful.  I have like 3 different projects going on at one time and I don't feel like doing any of them...ever.  I just wanna sleep all the time and be by myself. 

I started a new book this week, The Freedom Writers Diary.  I've seen the movie so I wanna see if it's similiar.  It's about a class of kids from the inner city that deal with drugs and lots of crime all around them.  Some are in gangs and many have problems with each other because of their background and staying loyal to their families.  Their teacher is a rich white girl that doesn't look like she belongs anywhere near the inner city but she gets them to write in diaries...about their lives and what they have to deal with.  Well that's about it for now. 


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