Friday, August 26, 2011


Favorite sentences of the week:

1. "I am the weak one of the herd" Nic.

2. He tells me if I truely love Lauren, I'll leave her alone to clean up for awhile.

3. I blink a couple times.  Pink and green geometric shapes form against the white walls. It's like a tower of flashing triangles is building itself up organically from the ground. I can't get rid of them.

These were my favorite sentences because it shows that Nic is realizing how weak he truely is for doing everything he's done to his family and his friends. He talks about how nice he is and how he wants to make friends with the people he meets everyday but those people aren't the people he should be friends with...they are digging him in a deeper hole.  Lauren went to rehab and she wants to get help.  Her parents are trying to help her and Nic but he won't go back to rehab even though he says he loves Lauren.  I would think it would be easier to get through detox together and not one person be clean and the other still be high all the time.

Books I read this week: Tweak
Pages I've read this week: 108

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