Wednesday, October 26, 2011


4 mistakes:

1. Kayyy Babyyy -- He says whatever comes to mind, saying that his parents "would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them," shows that he doesn't really care what he says, just wants to get his point across. 
Mistake- She uses he says and that's a common weakness. 

2. Peanut butter without the Jelly --  "Towering volumes of marble and glass" is what he saw as the lobby, which creates a clear, yet abstract vision.
Mistake- Starts a sentence with a quote.

3.They call me fresh money   Baker describes as the escalator as "They were the free standing kind: a pair of integral signs swooping upward between the two floors they served without struts or piers to bear any intermediate weight" and  he tells us that "On sunny days like this one, a temporary, steeper escalator of daylight, formed by intersections of the lobby's towering volumes of marble and glass, met the real escalators just above their middle point, spreading into a needly area of shine where it fell against their brushed-steel side-pannels, and adding long glossy highlights to each of the black rubber handrails"
Mistake- Wayyyyyyy to long of quotes...shorten them up alotttttt.

4.  Eddie The exert The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker uses high language as he decribes the lobby and escalators as, "area of shine where it fell against their brushed steel side panels."
Mistake- Uses the word uses...bad verb.

Favorite one-

1.  J. D. Salinger's coarse and personal language in Catcher in the Rye creates an informal characterization of the narrator and his circumstances that is easy to relate to. The uncensored and colloquial words used in this excerpt are blunt and common in elevation. The narrator references David Copperfield by stating that his childhood was full of that "kind of crap," which underscores the idea that the narrator himself is part of the hoi polloi. The language most often has a negative connotation, including a phrase the describes certain characters as, "touchy as hell." The narrator's tone is resentful toward his own circumstances, of which he obviously has poor impressions. The language lacks any sort of mellifluous musicality, the sounds are dull and discordant. They too convey the narrator's "crumby" perspective on others' lives and successes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gettin' sick...

Well I feel like crap today but the good news is we don't have school on friday and I don't have to work so I can sleep alllll dayyyy and get caught up on homework hopefully.  We didn't get tips last week so this week I'm gonna get good tips and I'm excited because I want to order some ugg boots. I just got off work because I had to work with my lazy manager and I closed my line all  by myself again...shocker there.  I can't wait till my GM is back and things are back to normal.  I need to get some sleep..good night blogger.


"Practice Diction Analysis"

In the excerpt from his novel The Merranine, Nicholson Baker's slightly elevated and business like diction describes the flat, cold escalators in his place of employment. Baker describes the walls around the elevators and how they "form by intersections of the lobby's towering volumes of marble and glass."  He makes it seem like there is nothing out of the norm everyday when he goes up and down the elevators.  Baker talks about the "black rubber handrails which wavered slightly as the handrails slid on their tracks".  He describes them in great detail but he seems so business like and boring as he talks about it, like he's always in a business mode because he's at his work.  He almost feels trapped by the escalators that he rides up and down everyday because it will never change and nothing will ever be out of the norm. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Currently Week 1 of New Quarter

Pages I've read this week: 105
Total: 865
Books: The Social Network

Class thing:

To Kill a Mockingjay: I like when this person talks about the Blood Meridans sound and says it's common but haromious.

The World is Ours: I like how this person talks about the dark mood of the passages.

Keep It Classy:  says laug. is humble and the culture is suggestive.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

I choose to compare Neil Gaiman's, Stardust, Cormac McCarthy's, Blood Meridian, and Alan Paton's Cry, The Beloved Country.  Paton's book starts out in the country, talking about the great hills and mountains all around him.  He used denotative diction because he decribes the country with words using there exact meanings.  He says " Keep it, Guard it, care of it, for it keeps men, guards men, cares for men. Destroy it and man is destroyed."  He wants people to take care of the land we live on because it takes care of us and without it we are nothing. He uses medium to high elevation because some words sound more high class then others. 

In Gaiman's, Stardust, he uses higher dicton and when he describes the Wall and everything in and around the Wall.  He describes what the wall is made of and who lives within the Wall.  He talks about the sheeps grazing on the out skirts which is sweet and calming. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Power out.

Well when I was at work today the freakin' power went out when we were closing and I of course freaked Thank God we were almost done closing because we couldn't see anything. Shelby and I ran down the street to a po-po to ask what was going on and he said the whole block with out and they didn't know why so we ran back and went home.  School went quickly today.  I didn't go in til 3rd period because I slept in mom says I can't do that anymore cause I do it all the time but whatever.  School is just so boring and pointless.  When I get to college I'm going to use everything I learn in my career...there's no pointless bull shit like high school..they make us do pointless crap because the state tells them they have to keep us in class for 180 days..which is dumb..if I know everything I need to know why keep me there even longer? I'm just excited to be done with homestead and the people in it.  Some people i'll 5 maybe but the rest of them...I couldn't care less.  Their so immature and they have no idea what the real world is really like and when they get there...their gonna fail..and i'm probably gonna laugh.  Well i'm going to bed.. good night blogger.


Monday, October 17, 2011


By: Shontelle
Editor's note---amazing song...sooo true.

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did

And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did

And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know

Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know, I know

And now when all is gone
There is nothing to say
And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible!
Ooh impossible (yeah yeah)

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did...

Moe Monday...horrible.

Well today was just an all around shitty day.  I had a busy weekend...I worked 21 hours and chilled at Zane's and Casey's after work both nights.  Shelby and I had to prep Sunday morning and didn't go to bed til 5am...two hours of sleep...7 hour shift...bad bad bad.  It was horrible, we were like passing out because we were so tired...I slept in a booth for an hour...haha.  I went home and slept for like 6 hours so I was good.  Then of course another week of school and another 5 days of work..which sucks.  People at work just piss me off so much...only like 3 people do their jobs and the rest of them just stand there and stare at day..things aren't gonna be very pretty let me tell you.  I had to go to hospital with Taylor today and I was so mad..she's so annoying and lazy...ugh...and we used to be I can't even be around her. She's just stupid and thinks she's hott shit...guess what...she's nothin' special.  Frances and I are fed up..we just need a break.  I just want a week stupid that too much to ask for? yeah i guess.  I'm too young to be this burnt out all the time...i've already had mono's lookin' pretty good for a second time. Well that's pretty much it for now...I need to do my hw and get some sleep. Goodnight blogger.


Friday, October 14, 2011


Well this quarter has gone by fast and i'm very thankful for that.  School just bores me and I want to finally be done and graduated.  I'm gonna miss all my friends but my crew will be together all summer and I know that the 4 of us won't be strangers.  Frances, Mo, and I are staying at IPFW the first year but Shelby is leaving us and going to Indy.  It's okay though, we'll be down to visit all time. 

I've liked this class this quart but it's been a lot of work.  I love blogging because I've always loved writing about my life and now I get a grade for it.  I've never been a big reader but this quarter i've tried to get into books and it's been fun.  My favorite book I read was Tweak becauase Nic had a crazy life and I like reading about people going down the wrong path in life and finding themselves at the end of that path.  I've wanted to read that book for years but never got to it because I'm so busy wiith work and I used to eat,sleep and breathe basketball.  I always read before I go to bed because I can lay down in my bed with my book and not think about anything else but reading.  If I read during the day I have so much on my mind and I can't focus on the book.  I want to read more books like Tweak this next semester because they keep me coming back and I like reading about weird things like that.  I'm making a goal for myself to read 4 books next quarter becaus I only read 2 1/2 this quarter.  I've just been busy with work and trying to keep my grades up.  My dad got a new job so I can cut my hours a little bit but I don't want to.  Work is keeping out of trouble and if I stop working so much I may get into more trouble.  Well thats all for now, I'll be blogging this weekend to catch up because  I didn't blog this week.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sleepy sleepy girl.

Well Frances and I are sitting here, chattin' about work and school and how ready we are to get out of here.  I never thought I was gonna be this ready to get out of this school.  Everyday I see stupid immature people that I hate seeing everyday and it makes me want to graduate even more.  My friends and I are so ready to go to college and meet new people. People that aren't involved in stupid high school drama...people that live on their own and make their own money and don't live off of mommy and daddy. That's pretty much how Homestead is...everyone's parents have money and they give their kids whatever they want.  I'm going on a college visit tomorrow with my brother Jarek and i'm excited.  I wanna meet cute college guys so I can stop thinking about stupid high school boys.  I'm excited to see where I'm gonna spend the next 4-6 years because I've never been on the campus.  I'm going  back to school with Jarek and it's gonna be weird because I've been alone for a few years and it's gonna be weird seeing him at school now.  Work is a bad place right now.  The girls and I have an issue with a manager and shit is heating up.  But I'll let you know what happens tonight when I get there.  Well I'm exhausted and class is almost overrrrr..laterrrr.


Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well today was okay I guess.  I finally had a day off after like 6 days so it was a nice break...too bad I didn't get to take a nap but I'll sleep better tonight I guess.  I did some homework after school and went to the store for my mom.  Then I made dinner and did some more homework...such an exciting life right...I feel like a freaking mom allll the time...even at my own house..I guess that's how I started the whole J-momma thing..because I take care of my family a lot and do a lot on my own.  I always have been that way but since I got into high school I'm a lot more responsible and I feel like I take care of everyone around me and it's annoying.  I want someone to do my laundry and take care of me...but I guess I should get used to it because i'm gonna be doing it for the rest of my life. It'll be easier when I can really be on my own but it's gonna be a while til that happens.  Most kids go off to college and leave their parents but that's not the case for me.  I'm going to be living with my parents through college because I don't have the money to pay for college, a car, and a house.  My brother is doing the same thing so I guess it's okay.  I mean we all fight but Jarek's never here and I'm always out and about at work or with friends. Well I feel better now that I vented a bit before I go to's been a long stressful day.


Currently Week 7

Pages this week: 105
Total pages: 760
**I didn't like the book I was reading so I switched to a new one**
Books I've read:
The Social Network**

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Maybe things are turning around..

Well I didn't go to school today because I couldn't sleep last night.  I've been having issues sleeping so I dunno what i'm gonna do. Maybe I need to stop taking naps so I'll sleep better.  My dad got a new job last week and got a new car, new phone, and new computer so that's good.  Hopefully he's good and everything goes well and we start making more money so I can have a life and get the hell out of Moe's because I'm about to lose my mind..I want to be able to do nothing and hang out with my friends again. I didn't realize these last few years I would miss it as much as I do.  I miss the basement at Richard's...with all my friends..when we all got along and no one had everyone hates each other over stupid reasons but I guess that's a part of growin' up, right?  You learn what kind of people you want to be around you and what kind of people you never want to talk to again... I guess I did.  I hate a lot more people then I ever have because over half of homestead is superrrrrrrr fake and they think they are hott shit..well guess what...their not..they all look trashy if you ask me.  Well I need to try and sleep now...Good night Blogger.

J-Momma <3