Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well today was okay I guess.  I finally had a day off after like 6 days so it was a nice break...too bad I didn't get to take a nap but I'll sleep better tonight I guess.  I did some homework after school and went to the store for my mom.  Then I made dinner and did some more homework...such an exciting life right...I feel like a freaking mom allll the time...even at my own house..I guess that's how I started the whole J-momma thing..because I take care of my family a lot and do a lot on my own.  I always have been that way but since I got into high school I'm a lot more responsible and I feel like I take care of everyone around me and it's annoying.  I want someone to do my laundry and take care of me...but I guess I should get used to it because i'm gonna be doing it for the rest of my life. It'll be easier when I can really be on my own but it's gonna be a while til that happens.  Most kids go off to college and leave their parents but that's not the case for me.  I'm going to be living with my parents through college because I don't have the money to pay for college, a car, and a house.  My brother is doing the same thing so I guess it's okay.  I mean we all fight but Jarek's never here and I'm always out and about at work or with friends. Well I feel better now that I vented a bit before I go to's been a long stressful day.


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