Friday, October 14, 2011


Well this quarter has gone by fast and i'm very thankful for that.  School just bores me and I want to finally be done and graduated.  I'm gonna miss all my friends but my crew will be together all summer and I know that the 4 of us won't be strangers.  Frances, Mo, and I are staying at IPFW the first year but Shelby is leaving us and going to Indy.  It's okay though, we'll be down to visit all time. 

I've liked this class this quart but it's been a lot of work.  I love blogging because I've always loved writing about my life and now I get a grade for it.  I've never been a big reader but this quarter i've tried to get into books and it's been fun.  My favorite book I read was Tweak becauase Nic had a crazy life and I like reading about people going down the wrong path in life and finding themselves at the end of that path.  I've wanted to read that book for years but never got to it because I'm so busy wiith work and I used to eat,sleep and breathe basketball.  I always read before I go to bed because I can lay down in my bed with my book and not think about anything else but reading.  If I read during the day I have so much on my mind and I can't focus on the book.  I want to read more books like Tweak this next semester because they keep me coming back and I like reading about weird things like that.  I'm making a goal for myself to read 4 books next quarter becaus I only read 2 1/2 this quarter.  I've just been busy with work and trying to keep my grades up.  My dad got a new job so I can cut my hours a little bit but I don't want to.  Work is keeping out of trouble and if I stop working so much I may get into more trouble.  Well thats all for now, I'll be blogging this weekend to catch up because  I didn't blog this week.


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