Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today was just bad. I didn't go to school cause I felt like crap so I went to the doctor and got tested for mono again...hopefully I don't have it again or I'm screwed. I had it two years ago and I had to quit basketball because of it and that just broke my heart.  I had other reasons for quitting but mostly it was because my body was tired and couldn't do it anymore.  I can't just quit my job....I need the money and I'm in co-op so there is no option.  I think I've just been doing too much lately.  I sleep all the time and I'm always tired...maybe I'm just depressed... I dunno. I guess I'll find out when I get the tests back.  Today sucked cause it's been raining all day and my brother is being a total douche bag like always.  I'm so sick of him...he's never home and when he is...he's just a dick.  I don't have time to deal with those kinds of people in my life.  I have better things to do then listen to him talk about his stupid girlfriend...cause that's all he cares about.  You would think he would care about his sister and his parents but he doesn't.. he's not even home once a week. He comes home to shower..sometimes drop his laundry off. I'm just sick of dealing with all our family problems by myself.  He's never around to care and it pisses me off.  He has no idea what I have to deal with everyday..even if he did know I don't think he would care.  It feels like everyone I talk to has bad money problems right now and we do too.  It's so hard to get through everyday dealing with all this.  People say high school should be the best years of your life but I hope their wrong.  Once I save enough money to live by myself and pay for my own car things will be a lot easier but that will be years from now if I have to keep helping every week.  I don't mind helping because their my parents but I wish my brother would help too.  He's been helping for like a year but things are bad right now and we need his help. They are our parents...that's a given to help them.  But he doesn't care...he would rather spend his money on his girlfriend or his car...real cute right...jerk.  I wish he wasn't so much like my father.  He doesn't listen to my mom either and it's so annoying.  I just wish we could all get along and help each other but's all on my always. Whatever. Screw people.


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