Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another day at Moe's

Well I just got off work...I swear I spend more time at Moe's then I do sleeping lately.  I just found out today that I have to cater an event with Shelby and Frances at Vera Bradley and I'm exciteddddd. It's so much more fun with you get to go with your friends.  My brother finally came home for the first time in like a week..shocker. I know he's gonna try and chat with me about things and I am not down...I have better things to do.  He just pisses me off everytime I talk to him's amazing how much people can change because of the people they date.  My childhood best friend did the same thing to me...and now I don't even see's all about her literally makes me sick looking at them because it makes me so mad...after being best friends with someone for 10 years then they drop you like a makes you trust no one...ever.  And if that's how things are going to be...I don't want to trust people..they just screw you over and what's the point of being "j-momma" and helping everyone you care about with everything if they don't return the favor...I just don't see the point anymore.  So I wake up everyday...go to school...go to work...and that's about it...I'm just trying to get through this year and on to bigger and better things in life.  And I am about to delete like 500 people off my facebook cause I don't care about their stupid if i delete you...don't send me another friend post too much pointless crap on your facebook and it annoys me.  Well I feel better now that I vented to myself:) Goodnight Blogger.

J-Momma. <3

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