Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fog Delay Day

Well my day started off good today with a nice 2 hour delay :)!  I went out to lunch with Eden & Elise and it was bomb.  They have Etymology together and made me laugh cause a bunch of people in their class read my blog and crack up..that made me laugh.  I work everyday this week but it's whatever..shit happens..need the $$$.  Moe's is catering the Wild 96.3 concert on Thursday and Shelby and I are going and we are stokeddddd. We get to stay at the concert after we serve food and your suppose to be 18 to go but because were Moe's Hoe's we get in free with passes.  Then Nemo's havin' people over because he works at the radio station and were gonna have a good time.  I've had like no free time lately and it sucks...sometimes I just wanna curl up in a ball in my bed and watch TV like a normal lazy teenager but I'm not a normal teenager...I have more responsibilities and I take on more then most for my family and not many kids have the balls or the brains to do so.  It's all catchin' up to me though..my body is tired and needs some rest for a few days...but the world doesn't stop turnin' just cause I want to so I guess I just gotta stick it out and hope everything I'm doing now will pay off in the future.  My brother and his girlfriend went to the Cubs game with my car yesterday and gave it back to me with no gas when I filled it up before he told me he was taking the car...so help me God if he doesn't put gas in the car..I'm going to shave his legs in his sleep...just sayin'.  So I've been thinking and because I love listening to youtube videos and I never remember the songs I like...I'm gonna write a few in my blogs while I listen to them...while I'm writting...I'm diggin' the idea.

Favorite Songs of the Week:
Amen-Edens Edge
God Gave Me You- Blake Shelton
I love you this big- Scotty McCreery
Barefoot Blue Jean Night- Jake Owens
Crazy Girl- Eli Young Band 
Love Don't Run- Steve Holy
& some T. Swift that reminds me of the good old days...<3

~J-Momma. <3~

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