Sunday, September 25, 2011

Round Three

Well the weekend has come to an end way to fast.  The Wild 96.3 Concert suckeddddddd. It rained the whole time and the girls looked like nasty strippers...I was glad to get out of there after ten hours of being at work.  Friday night was Homecoming and the game was fun.  I'll look back on those memories 20 years from now and be glad I went so I'm glad Shelby and I went.  At the pep session we played tug-a-war with the juniors and they had 9 huge football players so they beat us :( but were still better then them..just cause their huge doesn't mean anything:) George of course came out to piss me off and it worked...that boys gonna get it..there was a reason for the round three title..but it's gone now.  I worked at the Lantern last night until 2 a.m. and I was pissed.  This creepy dude that works there was being really mean so I'm not gonna work there anymore cause I'm sick of dealing with him. My dad got a new job so they say I can stop working so many hours which is good...I just hope things work out cause I need a freaking break.  Today I worked at the Light the Night walk and it rained the whole time and my arms feel like jello from moving all the crap I had to move these past few days...and of course I work everyday this week again...ohhh joyyy..well I'm goin' to bed...Goodd Nightttt Bloggerrrr.


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