Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crappy Day...

Well I had my senior meeting today...and it makes me nervous...i'm not ready for college.  I'm freakin' out about it cause i'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet. I know I want to go into the medical field but I don't have very good grades because I hate homestead and most of the people in it.  I know things will be different next year because I won't know everyone so it will be about my studies and making new friends...not worrying about what everyone things that I already know.  I have to make something out of myself.. I feel like everyone's doubting me lately because of stupid shit and I'm already sick of it and it just started. I just want everyone to leave me alone and let me handle my own life..I've been doing just fine and I don't need any help.  My parents are trying to be involved and they need to butt out..they haven't been involved for a long time..why start now..  So I've been trying to read more lately cause it makes me stop thinking about all the messed up things i'm dealing with right now and this book is even more messed up...well maybe...we'll see.  It's about Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones and his life from when he was a young child.  He lived in another country so it's kinda weird reading about all the places and people he talks about...and it was in the 50's and 60's and things were a lot different back then.  He talks about how his dad was never in his life because he worked all the time and he tried to make up for lost time sometimes but that's hard to do.  His mother was the strict one..always worried about what he was doing and where he was..he got into a lot of trouble in high school because he just didn't care anymore and I don't blame the guy. The only reason I deal with the stupid crap I deal with at Homestead is because I know that if I don't I'll be worthless later in life and I don't want that for myself and for my future family.  My life is the opposite of his..my mom is the nice one and my dad is the hard ass.  She's always trying to get in my business and so is he and I try to keep what I tell them on a need to know basis because their annoying and I have better things to do then explain myself to them every freaking day.  I'm very able to take care of myself and I've always been that way...I don't like when people try to talk to me about my issues...I can take care of it..it's no one else's business and they just need to butt out..that's just how it's always been..and it's not changing 6 months before I turn 18...no way.


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